Použitá literatura

MILITKÝ J.: Textilní vlákna, skriptum TU Liberec, 1995

HATCH K. L.: Textile Science, West Publishing Comp. N.Y. 1993

KADOLPH S.J, LANGFORD A.L., HOLLEN N., SADDLER J.: Textiles. Macmillan Publ. Comp. N.Y. 1988

ELLIOT J., LORD D.E., WILLIAMS J.M.: British Sheep & Wool. The British Wool Mar-keting Board, 1990

SHEKAR P., HARDINGHAM M.: Sericulture and Silk Production. © Intermadiate Technology Publication, London 1995

GREAVES P.H., SAVILLE B.P.: Microscopy of Textile Fibres. Bios Scientific Publishers Oxford 1995

CARTY P.: Fibre Properties. Form Word Ltd. Newcastle/Tyne, 1996

TAYLOR, M. A.: Technology of Textile Properties. Forbes Publication London 1994

Wool Facts 1995. International Wool Secretary, Ilkley UK

Cotton Outlook, 1995, 1996

HATCH, K.L.: Textile Science. West Publ. Comp. N.Y., Los Angeles, 1993

KADOLPH, S.J., LANGFORD, A.L., HOLLEN, N., SADDLER, J.: Textiles. Macmillan Publ. Comp. New York, Oxford, Sydney 1992

TAYLOR, M.A.: Technology of Textile Properties. Forbes Publ. London 1993
